NFTs turn-based tactical game -Pinupwarlords-

Pinup Squad Leaders

4 min readNov 19, 2022

A Turn-based tactical game with Pinupwarlords NFTs

As our community knows, we are working on the Conquest game mode, an MMO strategy game. After extending the game rules to create rich gameplay, we realized that the task would take us longer, given all the complexity of blockchain gaming development. While the development of Conquest continues, we allocated developer resources to create a quick, tactical turn-based, fun PVP game: Squad leaders. Here are the rules:


Pinup Warlords: Squad Leaders (PSL) is a turn-based tactical game played in 14 turns. To win, you must either eliminate all of your opponent’s troopers (and paratroopers) OR lead at the end of the ten turns. You score one point by bringing a trooper (or a paratrooper ) into the enemy base, and you score an additional point for every turn you occupy the enemy base or when you kill one enemy unit.

Only troopers appear on the battlefield (except the paratrooper, who can also land on the battlefield under certain conditions; see later). When you build your squad, you must have at least one trooper. All other classes can be selected only once. Also, you can only select one mechanized class (meaning you can only select one gunner, one tank driver, or one pilot; to be able to select them, you will need to have the corresponding weapons). Each trooper has 2 lives.

Example of squad selection

3 troopers, 1 sniper, 1 officer or

5 troopers or

1 trooper, 1 pilot, 1 nurse, 1 paratrooper, 1 radio

Battle screen-Pinupwarlords Squad leaders

Classes Bonuses.

Trooper: only class on the battlefield ( except the paratrooper, who can also land on the battlefield under certain conditions). Troopers can move 2 squares or move 1 square and shoot; once you shoot, you cannot move anymore, and it’s your opponent’s turn.

It can only move or shoot the next square (it must share a common square border to shoot, and cannot shoot diagonally.

Move 2 squares max, but can move 1 square and shoot. Cannot move 2 squares and shoot

Move, move — end of turn

Move, shoot- end of turn

Shoot-end of turn

When a trooper shoots, the success rate is 70%. If you record a successful hit, you take one life of your opponent’s trooper ( or paratrooper)

Nurse :

Gives +1 life to a selected unit twice.

Radio :

Radio can put 2 mines on the map, and it must be a free square. Each mine will take one life.


20% chance of a headshot and direct kill

Paratrooper: Can be deployed on the map when and where you want, except in the enemy base. If you choose a landing cell in your base, you have a 100% chance of landing, 80% in the first two columns, 40% in the next two columns, and 20% in the last column before the enemy base. Once landed on the battlefield, a paratrooper functions as a trooper.

Pinupwarlords-WW3 with NFTs bombshells

Mechanized Units

For all mechanized units to be selected, you need to have the weapon in your inventory. For example, if you select a tank driver, you must have a tank in your inventory. All mechanized units can be used only once in the game. The weapon NFT is burned at the end of the game.

Gunner +Artillery launches an artillery strike that damages one vertical line by 20% to hit the target. Deals one life damage to all the ennemy units on the target line.

Tank Driver+Tank fires on one square , has 40% chances to hit the target and deals 2 damages.

Pilot+Jet makes a single attack on four squares, with a 50% chance of hitting the target. The attack deals one damage on all the units in the target zone.

Pilot+Bomber and bomber launch a single attack on nine squares, with a 50% chance of hitting the target. The attack deals one damage on all the units in the target zone.

Officers: You benefit from their high initiative and more chance to initiate the action. Also they increase the hit chances in the following:

+3% Lieutenant
+5% Captain
+7% Colonel
+10% Warlord

Game sequence

Initiative draw

Each squad has a total initiative adjusted with the experience levels of each NFT. The winner of the initiative draw starts the game and will be at a great advantage as it can for example launch an artillery strike on all the enemy line that hasn’t yet been deployed!

Players turns

After the initiative draw, each player has 30 seconds to play his turn. One turn is when both players finish. The game has 10 turns, and you can play only one card per turn.

There will be a “play for fun” launcher , “play for Heels” and “play for Wax”. Play for Heels will have 2 launcher pads: 100 heels, 500 Heels. Play for Wax will have 2 launcher pads: 50 Wax and 100 Wax. Each game burns 20 to 400 ammo. 50% of Ammo sales funds all the reward pools.

Played cards are cooled down 6 hours. You can build new squad with other cards of your inventory or cancel the cooldown for 200 ammo.

Alpha Launch the 14th of march.

Play and own NFTs game.

Disclaimer: rules can change as per Alpha and Beta feedback.




Written by Pinupwarlords

A Web3 Trading card Game-Play and own-

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